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Your Vote Counts!

Lots of people would say that the United States is a democracy but that's not quite right. In a democracy, the majority of voters get to make all the decisions and set all the rules. Our Founding leaders recognized that while a government system organized around a set of laws was preferable to one subject to the arbitrary whims of a hereditary monarch, they also recognized that minority rights must be protected - even if that minority was just a single person. So, our government has prospered for nearly 250 years as a Constitutional Republic, where laws are set forth that both reflect the goals of the majority of Americans but preserve certain "unalienable" rights of all. 

Our system enables all Americans to participate in choosing their elected officials. It's a core right conferred by the U.S. Constitution but it's also one that many young Americans choose not to exercise. In New York, the voter participation rate for 18-24 year olds is only 23%, among the lowest in the country. We want to help change that!

It's important that we all play our part in the American system - both by being educated on issues that affect us all and by exercising our right to vote in local, state and Federal elections. 

ActNY and Rock The Vote make it easy to pre-register to vote. By filling out and submitting the form below, 16 and 17-year olds can pre-register to vote. It's the first step in getting your voice heard!

Find Your Polling Station

If you've already registered to vote...Congratulations! You can find your polling station, by entering your address below:

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